الرئيسيةأحدث الصورمركز الرفعالتسجيلدخول


 دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب )

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
أمـة الله
أمـة الله

مساعدة إدارية
مساعدة إدارية

الجنس الجنس : انثى
المستوى الدراسي المستوى الدراسي : طالبة
الشعبة/الإختصاص : بــخــيــر والــحـــمد لله
هوايتي : الرسم
مسآهمآتے مسآهمآتے : 746
التقييم التقييم : 10

دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب ) Oyoooo10

دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب ) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب )   دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب ) Emptyالجمعة 22 أغسطس 2014 - 21:10

أقدم لكم اليوم اخوانى الكرام هذا الموضوع
دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب )


Apologizing : 
- I'm sorry for...
- Please accept my sincere apology
- I deeply regret that
- Forgive me! I didn't mean it

Responding to apologies : 
- That's all right!
- Never mind!
- Don't worry about it
- Forget about it
Understand / Clarify
Expressing lack of understanding : 
- Sorry, I don't understand you!
- I don't see what you mean!
- I can't get your idea!
- I don't quite follow you!

Asking for clarification : 
- What do you mean by...?
- Could you be more explicit?
- Could you clarify, please? 
- I beg your pardon! 
Asking for advice :
- What's your advice for...?
- What should I do to...?
- What do you advice me to do?
What would you do if you were me?

Giving advice :
- I advice you to...
- You'd better … / you ought to...
- If I were you, I would...
- Why don't you ... ?
Making a request : 
- Oh! Dear, I need …
- Would you mind...?
- Iwonder if you could...?
- I'd like you to …

Responding to requests : 
=> Accepting: 
- Sure/Certainly!
- Yes, of course!
=> Refusing:
- Sorry!
- Of course not!
Making a complaint :
- Sorry, I have a complaint
- I'm a little dissatisfied with...
- I just don't know how to say it, but …
- I'm afraid I have to make a serious complaint 

Responding to complaints :
=> Accepting:
- Oh! Dear I'm really sorry about that
- I can't tell you how sorry I am 
=> Rejecting:
- I'm afraid there is nothing we can do about it
- Sorry, we haven't anything we can do
Expressing certainty :
- I'm sure/certain …
- Definitely/certainly …
- There is no doubt …
- It's obvious/evident...

Expressing uncertainty :
- I'm uncertain …
- I'm not sure …
- I'm doubtful about …

Expressing probability : 
- It may be …
- It could be …
Asking for opinion : 
- What's your opinion of …?
- What about …?
- How do you feel about …?
- Do you think that …?

Expressing opinion : 
- In my opinion …
- Personally speaking, I think …
- To my mind …
- It seems to me that …
=> Agreeing: 
- I think you're right
- I share your opinion
=> Disagreeing:
- I can't agree with you
- I disagree with you
phrasal verbs

 Verbs with " in "
Ask in :يدعو أحدا للدخول
Break in :يسطو, يقاطع الحديث 
Bring in :يقدم أحدا, يعرض شيئا  
Cave in :يتقبل أفكار الآخرين
Check in :يسجل نفسه في الخدمات
Chip in :يساهم, يساعد
Come in :يدخل
Cut in :يقاطع العمل
Drop in :يقوم بزيارة سريعة
Fill in :يتمم, يملأ
Fit in :يقبل من طرف الآخرين
Get in :يدخل, يركب
Give in :يتقبل شيئا
Hand in :يقدم, يسلم شيئا
Kick in : يتلقى تأثيرا أو أعراضا 
Lead in :يبدأ بشيء
Let in :يدعو أحدا للدخول
Join in :يشارك, ينضم
Move in : يسكن منزلا جديدا
Take in :يفهم, يخدع, يوفر
Turn in :يخلد للنوم, يسلم واجبا
Work in :يشترك, يتحد
Verbs with " out "
Back out :ينوي العدول عن الفعل
Break out 
:يهرب, يفر
Bring out 
:يوضح أمرا
Carry out 
:ينجز, ينفذ
Check out 
:يتفقد, يحقق في أمر
Come out 
:يتفتح, ينكشف, يبزغ
Cut out 
:يتوقف عن الإزعاج 
Drop out 
:يهدر المدرسة
Fill out 
:يتمم ورقة او عملا
Find out 
:يكتشف, يدرك
Get out 
:يخرج, يغادر
Hand out 
Hang out 
:يقضي الوقت في الراحة 
Let out :يطلق سراح أحد
Look/watch out 
:ينتبه, يحترس 
Keep out 
:يمنع أحدا من الدخول
Kick out 
Make out 
:يشاهد بشكل جيد
Move out 
:يغادر البيت أو المكتب
Pass out 
:يغمى عليه
Put out 
:يزعج أحدا
Stand out 
:يكون متميزا
Start out 
:يغادر في رحلة 
Take out 
:يصطحب أو يقضي على احد 
Turn out :ينقلب
Work out
:يتمرن و يجتهد بجد
Verbs with " up "
Back up :يؤيد, يدعم, يساند 
Break up :ينهي العلاقة مع أحد
Bring up :يربي الأطفال
Clam up :يلزم الصمت
Cheer up :يبتهج, يفرح
Come up :يحدث بشكل مفاجئ
Dress up :يرتدي ثيابا أنيقة
Drive up :يرفع من الثمن
Get up :يستيقظ
Grow up :ينضج, يتصرف بعقلانية  
Hang up : ينهي المكالمة الهاتفية
Hold up :يعرقل, يؤخر
Keep up :يستمر بدون توقف
Let up :يضعف, ينقص
Look up :يبحث في الكتب
Make up :يؤلف, يختلق
Meet up :يرتب لموعد أو اجتماع 
Pass up :يخسر الفرصة
Put up :يعطي السكن لأحد
Pick up :يلتقط, يتعلم
Send up :يوقع بأحد و يتآمر عليه
Set up :ينشئ, يؤسس
Show up :يصل
Start up :يشغل آلة أو محركا
Turn up :يرفع الصوت, يظهر فجأة 
Write up :يدون تقريرا
Verbs with " down "
Back down :يعدل عن رأيه و قراره
Break down :يتعطل,ينزعج
Bring down :يسقط شيئا, يخفض
Calm down :يهدئ, يرتاح
Close down :يغلق, يوقف العمل 
Come down : يعنف, يعاقب, يوبخ
Die down :يهدئ و تخار قواه
Drive down :يخفض الأسعار
Fall down :يسقط أرضا
Get down :ينبطح, يترجل
Go down :ينقص, ينخفض
Keep down :يبقى منخفضا
Lay down : يضع القوانين أو الخطط  
Let down :يخذل, يخيب
Lie down :يستلقي, يستريح
Live down :يتناسى موقفا سيئا
Play down :يقلل من شأن الآخرين
Set down :يضمن شيئا في الكتابة
Stand down :يستقل
Take down :يسجل الملاحظات
Turn down :يرفض
Wear down :يتخلى عن موقعه
Write down :يكتب, يحرر نصا
Verbs with " on "
Build on :يبني مستقبلا بنجاحه
Bring on :يتسبب في حادثة
Carry on 
:يتابع, يستمر, يواصل
Come on 
أسرع, تقدم, تحسن
Count on 
Crack on
 :يعمل بسرعة
Decide on 
Drag on 
:يدوم أكثر
Focus on 
:على شيء  يركز
Get on 
:يكون جيدا مع الآخرين
Go on 
:يستمر, يتابع
Hang on 
:ينتظر لوهلة قصيرة
Hold on 
:يصبر, ينتظر, يتماسك
Keep on 
:يستمر, يتابع
Look on 
:يكون شاهدا على حدث
Live on :يرتزق
Pass on 
:يوصل رسالة لأحد
Pick on 
:يعتدي على أحد
Put on 
:يرتدي, يلبس
Sit on 
:يوقف أو يؤخر شيئا
Take on 
:يوظف و يشغل الناس
Try on 
:يجرب شيئا إن كان ملائما
Turn on 
:يشغل آلة
Work on :يستخدم تأثيره على أحد
Verbs with " off "
Break off : يستريح, يكسر شئا
Bring off : ينجز عملا, يعقد صفقة
Call off : يلغي, يبطل
Carry off : يؤدي و يقوم بشيء
Come off : ينفصل, ينفك
Cut off : ينفصل, يبتر
Drop off : يضمحل, ينقص, يترك
Ease off : ينخفض, يتباطىء
Get off : يغادر, يترجل
Hold off : يمنع, يصد
Keep off : يبتعد, يجتنب
Kick off : يبدأ, يباشر
Lay off : يسرح العمال
Live off :يعيش على رزقه
Pay off :يصفي و يسدد دينه 
Put off :يؤجل, يؤخر 
Set off : يجهز, يفجر, يبدأ
Show off :يقدم عرضا للناس
Take off :يخلع ملابسه
Turn off :يطفئ, يغلق 
Wear off :يسن القوانين
Write off :يتقبل الخسارة
  Verbs with " different prepositions "
Bring back :يعيد, يسترجع     
Think back :يتذكر   
Pay back :يعوض, يعيد
Back away:ارتد, تراجع 
Pass away :يتوفى, يموت  
Run away :يهرب, يفر
Break into :يجتاح
Look into :يتحقق, يتأكد      
Run into :يلتقي صدفة
Allow for:يأخذ بعين الإعتبار
Apply for:يرسل في طلب شيء 
Look for :يبحث عن شيء
Look ahead :يفكر في المستقبل
Go ahead :يبدأ, يمضي
Look after :يعتني بأحد
Take after :يشبه
Get over :يتعافى, يقهر           
Think over :يعتبر   
Fall apart:ينكسر إلى قطع
Grow apart:يقطع العلاقة
Come across :يجد بالصدفة   
Deal with :يتولى أمر مسألة ما  
Fall through:يفشل                
Get around :يحتاط, يتجنب
 Verbs with " more prepositions "
Get away with:يفر من العقاب            
Get over with:يتغلب على المرض
Go through with :يواجه تجارب و محن          
Keep up with:يجاري أحدا في مستواه                 
Put up with :يتحمل, يسامح  
Get round to :يتفرغ لعمل ما 
Look forward to:ينتظر بشوق  
Look up to :يكن الإحترام لأحد  
Live up to :يقوم بشيء متوقع 
Boil down to :يلخص شيئا

linking words

 Adding الإضافة
as well as
What is more,
In addition,
not only ... but also
another point is that
فضلا عن
بالإضافة إلى/علاوة على
علاوة على ذلك
ضف الى ذلك
و الأكثر من ذلك
بالإضافة إلى
ليس فقط ... بل ايضا
و ثمة نقطة اخرى هي ان
  Contrasting  المعارضة و التناقض
despite/In spite of
On the contrary,
on the one hand
on the other hand,
In contrast,
و مع ذلك
رغم ان
على الرغم من
و مع ذلك
على العكس من ذلك
من ناحية
و من ناحية اخرى
في حين
في المقابل

Expressing cause - reason / التعبير عن الاسباب
This is why
because of
Due to
Owing to 
Thanks to
For this reason,
لهذا السبب
من جراء
لاجل هذا السبب
 Expressing effect - result  / التعبير عن النتائج
such a...that
As a result/effect,
  إذن/و بالتالي
ذلك ان
و لذلك/ ومن ثم
كما ايضا
بناء على ذلك
و نتيجة لذلك/ و كنتيجة
كذلك ايضا

 Giving examples / تقديم الأمثلة
for example,
for instance,
For one thing,
this includes
such as 
e.g.. / i.e.. (that is)
على سبيل المثال
على سبيل الحال
و كإشارة
و هذا يشمل
كـ / أي
Summing up - concluding / تقديم الخلاصة 
All in all
In conclusion,
on the whole
To sum up,
الكل في الكل
عموما/بشكل عام
وفي الختام
على العموم/عامة
وخلاصة القول

 Expressing purpose  التعبير عن الغرض 
so as to
in order that
so that
  لـ/ إلى
من أجل أن

 Writtings english

Globalization refers to increasing global connectivity, integration and interdependence in the economic, social, technological, cultural, political, and ecological spheres. Globalization is an umbrella term and is perhaps best understood as a unitary process inclusive of many sub-processes (such as enhanced economic interdependence, increased cultural influence, rapid advances of information technology, and novel governance and geopolitical challenges) that are increasingly binding people and the biosphere more tightly into one global system. There are several definitions and all usually mention the increasing connectivity of economies and ways of life across the world.  
Working Woman
Nowadays it is important for women to work outside the home because of economic reasons. Yet, this idea is still debated by many people who argue that the family, especially small children may be neglected. I believe that every woman has the right to work, but she should carefully consider many problems. Especially, when the she is at work, she may concern and worry about her children. She may wonder if they are safe, and if her absence is hurting them emotionally. After a mother takes into consideration all these problems above, she must decide if a job outside home is worth it. I believe that in spite of all these obstacles, many mothers work and manage a family successfully.

Young People
Old people are more annoying by far. They are so quick to degrade and stereotype younger people even though every group has had their criminals and bad apples. They are rude and think they can say or do anything to any one without the other person having any recourse. I have been victimized numerous times by older people and all old people can do is keep degrading us . So I chose Young people because that has a no one can touch me attitude, demo and think they know everything.
I think that the best things to relief from stress is to watch some sitcoms or hear something funny like jokes …person should develop his sense of humor and he should be cool, Comic and optimistic, because some expert of mental .health have noted that we can't imagine going through a day without laughter. Humor will make every part of your life better. It will help you trough difficult times and it will help you make the good times even letter, also i twill attract good people and good situations to you.

Brain Drain
One of the most serious issues in the world today is the brain drain phenomenon. Thousands of intellectuals leave their native country in search for a better life. There are many factors that breed this situation. First, the lack of job opportunities is one of them. Moreover, the host country offers better work conditions and ensures a comfortable life for these new comers. This “Capital flight” as many people call it has both positive and negative effects. It not only helps these brainy people to improve their standards of living but it also enables them to contribute to the development of their home country when they come back. One way to prevent this is to offer to these people tempting salaries and opportunities to ameliorate their potentials inside their home country.
Advanced technology has transformed our lives completely both physically and morally. Every day people are assaulted by new gadgets on markets. As a result, life is becoming more and more comfortable but complicated as well. Unemployment is spreading because machines are taking man’s place. Armed conflicts break out here and there due to free arm trade. More and more refugees abandon their home land in search of peaceful shelter. Technology is something good as long as it serves humanity. However, when it makes a mistake, the price to pay is very high: human lives!

Citizenship is membership in a society, community, city or town but now usually a country and carries with it to political participation; a person having such membership is a citizen. Citizenship status often implies some responsibilities and duties. It is largely coterminous with nationality although it is possible to have a nationality without being a citizen legally subject to a state and entitled to its protection without having rights of political participation in it; it is also possible to have political rights without being a national of a state. In most nations, a non-citizen is a non-national and called either a foreigner or an alien Citizenship.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أمـة الله
أمـة الله

مساعدة إدارية
مساعدة إدارية

الجنس الجنس : انثى
المستوى الدراسي المستوى الدراسي : طالبة
الشعبة/الإختصاص : بــخــيــر والــحـــمد لله
هوايتي : الرسم
مسآهمآتے مسآهمآتے : 746
التقييم التقييم : 10

دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب ) Oyoooo10

دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب ) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب )   دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب ) Emptyالجمعة 22 أغسطس 2014 - 21:14

حماية البيئة واجب

In fact, the protection of the environment is a national duty as it is a necessary task par excellence passivity of man's relationship with the environment worsened until it reached its cause damage difficult to overcome or avoided, and the fact that most environmental problems resulting from lack of planning real and realistic, and what we need today and urged the programs for environmental awareness begins with the child in school, as is our duty to preserve the planet and our duty to the whole world in maintaining a healthy environment ensure that future generations live in the following health and safety.

السمنة obesity

Obesity is an excess of body fat that frequently results in a significant impairment of health. Obesity results when the size or number of fat cells in a person's body increases. A normal-sized person has between 30 and 35 billion fat cells. When a person gains weight, these fat cells first increase in size and later in number. One pound of body fat represents about 3500 calories.

Problems of obesity : Increase the proportion of heart disease and thrombosis in persons who have obesity increases the natural rate compared to ordinary people.

In addition to increasing the proportion of diseases of joints, especially joints legs

And the loss of the aesthetics of the person and the loss of aesthetic strength, especially females. And difficult to interact with multiple business requirements

It can protect the body from obesity and eating through

,Vegetables are low in calories, and contains vitamins.

,And reduction of carbohydrates and fats ,And do some exercise to remove the accumulated grease,And stay away from drinking water while eating

رايك في الموضة

I think that people walk on the mode of religion Faculties personal
, Confidence is very low Not bad
The taste of the person Reflect the
Their way of dressing and deal with others reflect the personality of the individual
But where his personality if he imitates others
The concept of fashion for me is the tradition
So I always like to I do not follow fashion has never
On the contrary, I do not fashion
It is alien to our society
It is intended to Classification of young Muslims in their faith
And far from the customs and traditions and national identity
So, be independent with yourself and make your own style

ظاهرة التسول Begging

Begging or panhandling is to request a donation in a supplicating manner. Beggars are commonly found in public places such as street corners or public transport, where they request money, most commonly in the form of spare change. They may use cups, boxes or hats to collect the donations

Reasons for the phenomenon of begging due mainly to poverty and unemployment. However, the society's perception of begging vary from country to country and from one person to another,

To avoid this topic phenomenon, which increase day after another need to raise awareness and create job opportunities for the unemployed and the establishment of institutions that provide important assistance to avoid this topic phenomenon

رسالة تدعو فيها صديقك كي يقلع عن التدخين

Dear Ahmed ,

How are you?Are you fine?I hope you enjoying your life.

I heard that you had been smoking with your friends in the publics.

I want to advise you that smoking can make your lungs dangerous.

You should quit smoking.If your friends does not want to quit smoking let them be.

I really do not want you have lungs cancer.Smoking can make you die.Smoking llooks cool but it will regret you.Believe me.

I hope you will stop smoking.I hope you will not follow your bad friends.

You can follow your good friends but not your bad friends.If you have lighter and cigrattes,please throw away that.If you cannot stop smoking,please kindly call the Quit Smoking Helpline.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Yours Sincerely,


A wedding party
وصف حفل عرس

Last year I was invited to my cousin’s wedding, so I wore my best clothes : a new kaftan and a scarf. I put some make-up, too. When we arrived at my cousin’s, we were pleased to see the house decorated with lamps and flowers. The groom’s family received us warmly, with dates and milk. Then, we chose a good place and sat down waiting for the party to begin.

After twenty minutes, the bride and the groom came accompanied with naghaffa, a woman who organises the procession and chooses the clothes for the bride to wear each time she appears to the guests. The groom was wearing a djellaba and the bride was wearing a beautiful kaftan. They both looked charming as they greeted the guests who were wishing them well.

When the groom and the bride sat on the armchairs reserved for them, the music continued to play and the waiters served juice and cakes. We really enjoyed ourselves dancing, laughing and sometimes singing with the band folk songs. An hour later, we had dinner, which was special and quite delicious.

Finally, we gave our gifts to the bride and the groom, wishing them a happy life, and we were given some sweets. It was an unforgettable party; we had a good time indeed

اكتب عن حدث وقع لك سعيد او العكس

Write about a happy or an unhappy event

Life is full of good and bad events. As far as I am concerned, I had a terrible experience that I still remember and I always tell my friends about it.

It was a Sunday evening when my family decided to visit my aunt. I refused to go with them because I had some homework to do. After doing my homework, I made a pizza, ate it and started revising my lessons. Suddenly, I heard a noise at the door. It seemed that somebody was trying to open the door. The door was forced open. I hid under the bed and I phoned my father, using my mobile phone. The burglars took what they could carry but my father came with the police who arrested them.

The surprise was that the burglars were actually our neighbours who thought that no one was in the house. My family gave me due respect because I saved a lot of their things. I’m still proud of what I did.

تأثير البيئة على صحة الانسان

Your health depends on your daily behaviour and habits and also on the environment where you live

We can’t deny that health is affected by habits and environment. It is true that there are certain behaviours that have a negative impact on our health. For example, Moroccan people who are known for overeating and inactivity suffer from blood pressure and heart attack. In contrast, the French, who have balanced diets and exercise regularly, suffer less from these health problems. Besides, some statistics prove that people who consult a doctor regularly don’t have serious health problems.

In addition, the environment has an impact on our health. Living in a clean environment helps people to keep healthy and not to have respiratory problems or chest pains. Pollution can kill people. People who live in sunny and clean places and breathe in fresh air are likely to keep healthy and live happily.

رسالة تعزية شخص فقد والده
Dear Ahmed,

Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your dear father. I am so sorry about your loss.

Although I never met your father, I know how much he meant to you. Through your stories of his frugality, his love of nature, and his loving support of you, I feel as though I knew him. I know he was a fine man and that his absence will be felt by many people.

When my father died, it gave me a good feeling to talk with people about him. I would enjoy hearing more about your father and his life if you would like to share memories when we get together. In the meantime, I will be thinking of you and your family.With deep sympathy

رسالة اعتذار عن عدم حضور حفل زواج


Dear Mustapha,

Many thanks for your invitation to attend your son's wedding, to be held on the fifth day of the current month.

I am suffering from a bad cold which obligers me to stay in bed. I enclose a cheque for a small amount which is intended to the bride and bridegroom as a wedding present.

I wish to the newly weds happiness and many grandchildren to you.

Yours Truly

وصف شخص
Mr Mustapha is a thin man, strong as his bark, slow, lucid one of the men who seem made to be always in touch with their favorite world: the sea
He has a big nose, big forehead, big eyes that can detect the deepest secrets of the sea
It offers, at first sight a vague resemblance Cousteau discovered the hidden signs of a world completely different from ours.
His teeth are black and few, his mouth is so wrinkled that it delivers a blend of vocabulary relating to maritime affairs.
This is a great man and a true professional fisherman.
Self-confidence and resignation fish hook tormented by a rare compassion, harmony of body and soul, good heart, all his qualities made him a respectful person

حوادث السير نتائجها واسبابها

The results of traffic accidents and their causes

Cause of traffic accidents on public roads, loss of significant human and material drain on human and material resources and take the lives of thousands of people annually from all ages, and which have negative psychological and social families of the victims.

Hardly a day goes by without hearing about a traffic accident here and another there and the fall of the innocent victims, so that whole families are the victims of traffic accidents unfortunate sometimes.

Causes of traffic accidents are many and varied from lack of preparation of the car and the varying technical expertise and knowledge of drivers to drive a car and ignorance of the law of speeding traffic and poor roads and other causes that lead to the occurrence of mishaps .

وصف مشاركة مؤسستك المدرسية بالاحتفال باليوم العالمي للبيئة

Describe the involvement Foundation school observance of World Environment Day

In commemorating the International Day of the Earth and the Environment allocated secondary second half of the morning for the day Saturday, 17/04/2010 station mission to embrace a range of environmental activities contributed to the activation of pupils and students in the organization and were framed from their teachers and the various components of Directors, where he was during remind everyone the importance of maintaining the planet and thus creating a clean environment to ensure a healthy life for all. In order to motivate everyone to engage in a project to create a healthy atmosphere has opened a multi-institution works with a group of pupils and students clean the classrooms The second group has planted some trees and flowers. While costing the third set and frame the professors left the national anthem on one wall organization, as well as do some murals and the municipal workers pruned some trees, which increased from an aesthetic enterprise in an atmosphere characterized by a spirit of citizenship and high all participated in the success of this day of the week allocated to the land and the environment

Distance Learning

التعليم عن بعد

Intended to distance learning to use communication technology and computer technology in the education process. This is called the process also terms such as
Internet-Based Learning , Distributed Learning ,Computer-Mediated Communication . And distance education is the transfer of science centers, with whom in the capitals of States to cities away where there are no means and modes of knowledge vast and specialized. And the connection between the student recipient and lecturer interactive interactive and allows the distance education system the ability to receive lectures from a source far from the place of the lecture At the same the same speed implementation time and real time application of this system can be broadcast live and taped lectures with high efficiency, where the listener or student from attending a lecture inside or outside the borders of Marocco.

طلب وظيفة في مؤسسة


Mustapha B
-hay eSalam .... Sale --11000
E-mail. maghraba@ma.com

Subject: Job application
It is a pleasure to extend to you the distinguished
Requests of this and of: «job applications in your organization».
Inform you that I was born in Rabat 17/04/1988 uptake
Certificate Bachelor of Science in financial management specialization.
In the end, I am sure that my request took all the attention
And to you my sincere thanks and assurances of respect and appreciation.

Secret immigration

Morocco is among the countries that suffer from the issue of illegal immigration in particular because of its geographical location. illegal immigration as a dream of William embrace Europe. and the desire to achieve lethal to the west and other remains reflected in various regions of Morocco in particular and of Africa generally balanced between hope and despair. They decided to mount the vessel through death unknown. But nuclear weapons to consider immigration dream non-confidential for unemployed youth work and my father crossed many other reasons for true paradise ... suicide illegal immigration side adventure of using solutions for Tadert eliminated. And unemployment subsistence, poverty and weak labor market and the system of social fragility and economic reasons most important to assemble boats of death unknown

Reasons for making the day a global environment

اسباب جعل يوم عالمي للبيئة
Experiencing the globe, from high rates of contamination in all parts of the world, trying to organizations and associations to protect the alert to this danger and work to reduce the aggravation of this phenomenon, which threatens the lives of so many human beings and their vulnerability to extinction, especially some species of animals, plants and marine resources in addition to the dangers that threaten the health man

The festival environment

The festival was conceived by lovers of nature to give all the pleasure to discover or rediscover its natural resources, to renew ties strong with the environment. For five days, professional and volunteer networks of Conservation discover (free) areas known or unknown.
Hundreds of walks in familiar places like corners normally inaccessible, are organized by those who know every detail.
The public is invited to discover species emblematic or unrecognized, some familiar territory to survey led by naturalist guides, to better understand the work and passion for natural area managers, foresters, actors of protection nature which ensure the maintenance of biodiversity.
For this fourth edition, the organizers would like to see participate as individuals. They are likely to maintain a piece of nature in their property or their simple garden. Creating conviviality and exchange about the nature in private places is now an objective of the Festival of Nature 2010.
Naturalists are near you, and you do not know ... They always show you what lies behind the door ...
This festival of five days is an opportunity to meet them!
The Festival of Nature is also a great time of emergency awareness and issues of protection of biodiversity. It raises questions about man's place in nature and its responsibility in the conservation of biodiversity.

brain drain
Brain drain is the departure of educated or talented persons for better pay or jobs elsewhere. The term originated about 1960, when many British scientists and intellectuals immigrated to the United States for a better working climate.
Economically speaking, brain drain means an emigration of trained and talented individuals ("human capital") to other nations because of conflicts and lack of opportunity. It parallels the term "capital flight" which refers to financial capital that is no longer invested in the country where its owner lived and earned it.
When a highly qualified professional chooses to leave his own country for another, he does so for one or several legitimate political or economic reasons: peace and security for himself and his family, job satisfaction, better pay and conditions, a higher standard of living, etc. Throughout history, countries and centres of academic excellence which offer these attractions have received the largest numbers of professional migrants and these have, in turn, made substantial contributions, not only to the economic growth of their host countries, but also to the scientific and technological advancement of humanity.The loss of such bog number of skilled immigrants results in huge losses that are very difficult to compensate for even in long years to come. The brain drain is actually affecting the economies and social structures of a country, especially the emerging countries that have to do everything they can to stop this phenomenon.
Finally, I do believe that it is the responsibility of both governments and individuals to try harder to stop the flow of highly skilled people from their own countries resulting in a brain drain that affects each and every society.

Advances in technology
Technology is a broad concept that deals with a people’s usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects man’s ability to control and adapt to its environment. In human society, technology is a consequence of science and engineering. In the last two centuries, humanity has witnessed great technological developments that are not to be paralleled with any other past times in history. These technological advances range from the invention of the light bulb to the latest wireless computers and internet devices. But what are the implications of these technological advances on our societies.
To begin with, technological advances have helped people use tools and materials that made life easier for them. To give one example, the use of the phone and the internet has made it extremely possible to communicate with any person on any other part of the world. So, the limitations in communication that we had in the past are all over by now. Academically speaking, students no longer rely today entirely on books to look for the information they need to do a research. Rather they are invited now to search the internet and get ready-made information that saves both time and effort. Spatially speaking, people managed to set their foot on the moon and discover things that were in the past only myths for many of us.
However technological advances have had also their negative sides. To illustrate to that, internet use has made the gap even greater between those who have access to it and those who don’t. Let us remember that there are those who can’t have yet access even to electricity to use all those technological advances which seem to be made mainly for those who have the means to buy it. The advances in telecommunication have also made people more selfish in the sense
that everyone now has his/her mobile phone; and we no longer have family conversations or calls for the whole family. Every one holds private conversations on the phone that other can’t know about. For all these reasons, I believe that one has to look at the other side of the coin and believe that technological development is double-edged.
To conclude, and as far as I am concerned, technological advances are a major step in the development of nations and societies and it is imperative to make good use of those developments and make it accessible to all individuals in theworld.

البوابة المغربية لدروس البكالوريا
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ahlam salma
ahlam salma

مشرفة قسم التعليم المغربي
مشرفة قسم التعليم المغربي

الجنس الجنس : انثى
المستوى الدراسي المستوى الدراسي : ثانية ثانوي
الشعبة/الإختصاص : علوم تجريبية
هوايتي : مطالعة
مسآهمآتے مسآهمآتے : 1066
التقييم التقييم : 18

دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب ) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب )   دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب ) Emptyالخميس 9 أكتوبر 2014 - 21:58

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية بكالوريا ( خاص بالمغرب )

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 مواضيع مماثلة

» بالفيديو جميع دروس اللغة الانجليزية الثانية باك 2014 (خاص بالمغرب)
» دروس اللغة الانجليزية + ثانية باك + Grammar ( خاص بالمغرب )
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» حلول كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية المدرسي للسنة الثانية متوسط
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