الرئيسيةأحدث الصورمركز الرفعالتسجيلدخول


 cours 1er anné englais LMD

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عضو نشيط
عضو نشيط

الجنس الجنس : انثى
المستوى الدراسي المستوى الدراسي : طالبة جامعية
الشعبة/الإختصاص : coOol
هوايتي : السفر
مسآهمآتے مسآهمآتے : 195
التقييم التقييم : 7

cours 1er anné englais LMD Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: cours 1er anné englais LMD   cours 1er anné englais LMD Emptyالسبت 20 أكتوبر 2012 - 10:49

bon on va commencer avec le 1er module grammaire
first lets start with the first module GRAMMAR
Annual Program

A. Article of tenses
B. Present Tenses

a. Present simple

b. Present continuous

c. Present perfect
C. Past Tenses

a. Simple past

b. Past continuous

c. Past perfect
D. Future Tenses

a. Future simple

b. Future continuous

c. Future perfect
E. Nouns
F. Adjectives
G. Adverbs

he Indefinite Articles

‘a’ or ‘an’: it is used for gender (boys & girls).

The article ‘a’ is used before a noun starting with :

ý A consonant sound, like: a day, a week

ý A consonant sound, like: a university

ý A pronounced ’h’, like: a hospital

ý A ……………...., like: a weapon

The article ‘an’ is used before a noun starting with a:

ý ………….., Like an apple, an egg, an ice cream.

ý A mute ‘h’, like: an hour

The indefinites articles are not used before:

ý The plural nouns, e.g.: windows, clothes

ý Proper nouns, e.g.: Ali, Tom, Algeria…

ý Furniture, advice, information, news, language… these words are often preceded by: some, a lot, any, piece, a little…

ý Uncommon nouns, e.g.: knowledge, but we can use the ‘a’ article if this word is used in the particular sense, like: he has a good knowledge of physics.

ý A mass words, like: paper, wood, stone, rubbish, meat, water…, but these mass words when they are used in a particular sense, they will preceded by ‘a’ & ‘an’, e.g.: I have a glass of tea. I have a good fish dinner.

ý Abstract nouns like: beauty, happiness, fears, except when they are used in the particular sense, e.g.: he was pale of fear but he suffers from a fear of darkness.

ý Names of meals (lunch, dinner…) only in the particular sense.
There are two exceptions:

o When it is precedent by an adjective, e.g: It was a nice lunch.

o When it is a special meal given to celebrate some thing in some ones honor, e.g.: I was invited to a diner given to welcome new president.

But is not used after the verb turn or return when it means <To Become>.

ý Nouns …………. A title of office, e.g.: they made the restaurant name KIM.

ý Uncountable nouns or exclamatory tenses, e.g.: what a good milk it is!,
e.g: what a weather we have today!

The Indefinite Article "THE":

The definite article ‘the’ is used before:

ý both genders (boys & girls).and plural nouns
e.g.: the boy; the boys; the girl; the girls

ý that refer to something unique
e.g.: the Curran; the bible; the sun; the sea; the moon; the sky; the weather

ý a noun which has become definite as a result of being mentioned a second time
e.g.: his car hit a tree, you can see the mark on the tree.

ý A noun made definite by the edition of phase or clause
e.g.: the book that I bought was expensive.

ý A noun which by reason of locality can represent one particular thing
e.g.: he is in the garden, turn on the radio.

ý Certain names of rivers
e.g.: the Chelef river

ý Superlative
e.g.: the highest mountain

ý Proper names of mountains
e.g.: the Alps mountains

ý Name of countries
e.g.: the USA
the Sudan
the Yemen

ý Names of seas and oceans
e.g.: the pacific ocean

ý Nouns made definite by a prepositional phrases
e.g.: the boy of Algiers
the university of Mostaganem
the road to Tlemcen
the letter from Ali

ý Noun preceding by an adjective
e.g.: the Ivory Coast

ý Certain proper nouns

ý For instrument of music

ý Names of metals that are made definite by clause
e.g.: the tea we had was rather cold

ý Singular nouns representing a class of animals
e.g.: the whale is dangerous

ý Adjectives representing a category of persons
e.g.: the old; the young; the rich; the strong

ý Nouns of cathedral office
e.g.: the hotel

ý Common nouns specified by a proper or article
e.g.: the planet mars
the prophet Mohamed
the ply seen in plane

ý Common nouns preceding by proper nouns
e.g.: Ali the butcher

ý Names of cheap and changes

ý Names of hotels, shops, banks

ý Adjectives of nationality
e.g.: the French nationality


Where we don’t use definite Articles??

The definite Article is no used before:

ý Names of persons and places
eg: I see Ali, I was in Oran

ý Title place nouns:
eg: I meet _ Doctor Jones
I see _ President Bouteflika

>> But:

ü We used when it is used before a title alone:
eg: I saw the president _

ü When it is followed by a preposition ‘of’
eg: The King of Spain

ý Abstract nouns:
eg: they enjoyed life and liberty

>> But:

ü when it is followed by the preposition ‘of’

ü possessive case or positive adjective
eg: the boy’s uncle
eg: it’s my research work

ý names of meals:
eg: We had lunch

ý plural nouns:
eg: big _ hotels are expensive

ý uncountable nouns:
eg: I have _ milk
I listen to _ music

ý names of season:
eg: _ Ramadan
_ Winter

names of festivals:
eg: Ramadan

>> But:

ü the winter we have the last year was hard

ý names of languages:
eg: we have _ English grammar
he learn _ Spanish

>> But:

ü the Spanish he writes is wonderful <Close>

ý certain examatics with the verbs [to go/be + preposition]:
eg: I am in _ bed
I go to _ mosque

>> But:

ü We go to the mosque to pray

ý The verb: To see, To travel, To combine:
eg: I go by _ car
I go by _ plane

>> But:

ü I go by the train to Algiers

ý Some Expressions:
eg: I wake up at _ sun rise
I wake up at _ moon
I wake up at _ midnight
eg: put _ hand in _ hand
to shake _ hands
_ husband and _ wife
from _ place to _ desk
from _ left to _ right

>> But:

ü I ****d in the south of Algeria

E X E R C I S E:

Put The Required Article:

v We have a cigarette is made of _ tobacco and _ papers

v _ milk comes from the Cow

v We make _ butterunc and _ cheeseunc from _ milkunc

v A window is made of _ glass unc

v A cat has a tail

v _ coffee unc is a drink

v _ piano makes _ music.

Auxiliary Verbs
“Use Of Can”:

Can has two main uses:

1. can is used to express permission
E.g.: You can Go now

2. can is used to express ability
E.g.: I can swim very well

Can = To be able to

Can (present) => Could (in the past):

To be able to (present) => was able to (past)

“To be able to” expresses the idea of “to manage” and it is used in stand of can
E.g.: I could put it that, but I was able to put it on tap chef.
“Use Of may”:

it expresses the probability and possibility
E.g.: I may try and work hear (probability)
E.g.: My mother may arrive tomorrow (possibility)
E.g.: we may never see peter (probability)
E.g.: you may smoke in the waiting room (possibility)
E.g.: may I help you (recurs polite, preposition)
E.g.: you may all your dreams come true (it express wish or hope)
“Use Of Must”

it is used to express an obligation or order or command.

E.g.: you must do this (it is obligation)

Must in the past:

Must = had to

Must in the future:

Must = will have to

E.g.: I will have to …
E.g.: I shall have to…


Deferent between “must” and “need to”:

“Need to” is used in the absence of obligation.

E.g.: you must go now => obligation => you are oblige to go now
E.g.: you need to go now => no obligation => you aren’t oblige to go now

Supply: can, must, may, could, need to in the following sentences:

ü he must not do eat again

ü she can not understand every thing

ü he can’t speak French

ü he may not came if he can not

ü you need to came this morning


Ought to: it expresses the obligation, and it often express general truth

e.g: we ought to be careful when crossing the street.

Ought: it is followed by the infinitive:

e.g: Miss Johns ought to see doctor as soon as possible (express future).

Shall: it is used with first personnel pronouns, singular and plural.

e.g: shall I see her (permission)

e.g: shall we go to the mosque (future)


1. expresses an obligation
e.g: you should do that

2. it expresses in general truth
e.g: we should be careful when crossing the street.

3. is used in sentence expressing an idea of future
e.g: Miss Johns should see doctor as soon as possible

4. it may be followed by the “ing” form
e.g: I should be reading book

5. it express an idea pf peace of advice
e.g: should go to the cinema

Had better: it expresses advices

e.g: you had better read this novel


1. it expresses condition and hops
e.g: if I did not have a headake I would read my book

2. it is used as the same pattern as will to state a polite request
e.g: would you closed the door (polite request)

Would rather:

e.g: I prefer coming at 10 o’clock to coming tomorrow.

e.g: I would rather come at 10 o’clock than tomorrow (comparison)

Would like:
e.g: I would like a piece chocolate cake
e.g: Would you like to the ………… (it expresses suggestions)
I Would Like = I Want

To be used to, To get used to, used to:

e.g: Jorge is used to American food, but miss Allen is not used te eat !!

1) To be used to:
is to be ………… ; it is used in preference to be …………

2) To get used to: means to become …………… to
e.g: It took Jorge several months to get used to American food.
e.g: Miss Alan will never used to eating American food

3) Used to:
e.g: he used to go to school (he has the habit, it refer to a past habit)

………… it has no present and no future and always followed by the infinitive.

Present Tenses
Present Simple

a. The present simple is used to express a general truth.
e.g. The sky is blue

b. It is used to express the habit
e.g. I go to university everyday

c. Verbs takes “s” at the third person on the singular
e.g. she/he/it swims

Negative and interrogative form are always presided by do or does except the verb <TO BE> and <MODALS>

Exercise 1:




He can read English

He can not read English

Can He read English

He has a brother

He has not a brother

Has He a brother

I must do it now

I must not do it now

Must I do it now

I am right

I am not right

Am I right

They are French

They are not French

Are They French

I can come tomorrow

I can not come tomorrow

Can I come tomorrow

Exercise 2:

Write the following statements at the singular:



They Build houses

He/she/it Builds houses

They cost a lot of money

He/she/it costs a lot of money

My friends work in London, they buy and sell cars

My friend works in London, He/she/it buys and sells cars

They sit at the window and watch the traffic

He/she/it sits at the window and watches the traffic

The little girls thank them when they give them presents

The little girl thanks him when he gives her presents

Animals find shulter when it rains

An animal finds shelter when it rains

They hit their dog with a stiks when they are angry with them

He/she hit his/her dog with a stiks when He/she is angry with them

Present Tenses

The Present Simple is often used with adverbs or adverbs freezes such as: Always; Sometimes, Rarely, Occasionally, Presently, Often, Regularly.

And such Everyday, Every week, Every Months, Every Year, Every Decade, On Mondays, On Thursday, In Winter, In Spring, In Autumn…

All these are used (The Present Simple):

1. it is used chiefly with the verb “say” when we are asking about outing from books notices or very recently received letters.
e.g. What does the notice say? It says: “No smoking”.
e.g. What does the book say? It says: “Cook very slowly”.
e.g. I see, you have got a letter from Ann, what does it say? It says: ”She is coming to London next week”.

2. it can be used in new paper headlines

3. it can be used for dramatic narrating, this is particularly useful when describing the action of play opera…etc, and is often used by Radio commentators at sport events, public functions, etc…
e.g. “When the curtain raise, Juliet is writing at her desk, suddenly the window opens and the masked man enters”

4. it can be used for a planned future action or series of actions, particularly when they refer to a Journey, travel agent, use it a book dear...
e.g. We leave London at 10 o’clock next Tuesday and arrive in Paris at 1 o’clock, we spend two hours in Paris and leave again at 3o’clock. We arrive in Rome at 7:30, we spend 4 hours in Rome.

5. it must be used instead of the present continuous with verbs which not be used in the continuous form
e.g. I see her, love …, Believe,…
I see her, love …, Believe,…

6. it is used in conditional sentences type (1):
e.g. If I see her I will ask her
e.g. Unless you take the bark off, the car will not move.

7. is used in time clauses

a. e.g. as soon as he earns any money, he spends it.

b. e.g. she takes the boy to school before she goes to works.

It will stop raining soon, then we will go out => not clear

When it stops raining, we will go out => clear

Present Continuous

Forms of Present Continuous:

the present continuous tense is formed with:
<Present Tense of To Be>+<Present Participle>




I am working

I am not working

am I working

The Spinning of present participle:

ý when the verb end with “e”, this “e” is dropped before “ing”
e.g. hate => Hating
except after “age”, “dye”, “singe” => “ageing”, “dyeing”, “singeing”

ý and when verbs end with “ee” , also add “ing” without dropping “e”
e.g. to agree => agreeing

ý when a verb of one syllable has one vowel and ends in singular constant, this constant is doubled before the “ing”
e.g. stop => stopping

ý verbs of two or more syllables, when last syllable contain only one vowel and ends in singular constant, double this constant.
e.g. admit => admitting
e.g. begin => beginning
e.g. prefer => preferring
except the verb “enter”=>”entering” (without doubling the last constant)

ý verb that ends with “l“ after a singular vowel is however always doubled
e.g. signal => signalling (it is stress)
e.g. travel => traveling (it isn’t stress)
Present continuous Tenses:

1- for an action starting now
e.g. it is raining now
e.g. I am not wearing coat as it isn’t cold
e.g. why are you sitting in my place?
e.g. what is the baby doing?

2- For an action hopping about this time but not necessary at the moment of speaking
e.g. I am reading a book
When two continuous tenses having the same subject and joined to them, the auxiliary may be dropped before the second verb.
e.g. she is knitting and she is listening to music => she is knitting and listening to music.

3- For a definite arrangement in the near future:
e.g. I am traveling tomorrow
note: the action must be always mentioned. Other ways, might be confusion between present and future meanings.

Other possible use of present continuous:

1- with a point in time to indicate an action which begins before this points and probability continuous after it.
e.g. at 6 o’clock

2- with “always”
e.g. he is always losing his keys (a habit)
note: this from is used in the affirmative, not in negative or interrogative.

3- for an action which appears to be continuous.
e.g. he is always working.

4- verb not normally used in the continuous tenses:
feel, hear, smell, observe, look, taste, seem, gaze, admire, adore, appreciate, desire, dislike, hate, like, love, respect, detest, value, wand, wish, enjoy, agree, assume, expect, except, forget, know, mean, perceive, realize, recall, recognize, remember, belong, concern, contain, hold, keep, matter, signifier, sound, fear, believe, recollect.


Put the verbs into correct present tense:



Nadia sees Ali putting his coat and says: where do you (go) Ali?

Nadia sees Ali putting his coat and says: where are you going Ali?

Ali: I (go) to buy some cigarette, (want) you any thing?

Ali: I will go to buy some cigarette, want you any thing?

No, thanks, you are always buying cigarette.

No, thanks. You are always buying cigarette.

Nadia: how many you (smoke) a day?

Nadia: how many do you smoke a day?

Ali, I not (smoke) lot, perhaps twenty

Ali, I don’t smoke lot, perhaps twenty

Mohamed (smoke) four more than I do

Mohamed smokes four more than I do

He (spend) one thousand dinar a week on cigarette

He spends one thousand dinar a week on cigarette

Fatiha (see) Mourad standing at bus station

Fatiha sees Mourad standing at bus station

Fatiha: Hello, Mourad, what bus you (wait) for?

Fatiha: Hello, Mourad, what bus are you waiting for?

You usually (go) to work by car

You usually go to work by car

Mourad: yes, but the car (belong) to my mother and shi sometimes (want) it she (use) it today to take Hamza to dentist.

Mourad: yes, but the car belongs to my mother and shi sometimes wants it she is using it today to take Hamza to dentist.

I usually (go) by car too, Habib (take) me because he (pass) his factory in way of may office, but this week he (work) in the factory in oposit direction.

I am usually going by car too, Habib takes me because he passes to his factory in way of may office, but this week he works in the factory in opposite direction.

Do I (queue) like you.

Do I am queuing like you.

Mouad: here is a 8, you (come) for it or you (wait) for 40?

Mouad: here is a 8, are you coming for it or are you waiting for 40?

Fatiha: I think I will take 8 if I (wait) for 40.

Fatiha: I think I will take 8 if I wait for 40.

Aicha and Safia (wait) outside telephone box. A boy (dial) a ember inside it.

Aicha and Safia are waiting outside telephone box. A boy is dialing a number inside it.

Aicha: you (know) that boy?

Aicha: do you know that boy?

Safia: yes, he is friend of my brother, he (phone) his girlfriend everyday from this box.

Safia: yes, he is friend of my brother, he phones his girlfriend everyday from this box.

Aicha: where he (come) from

Aicha: where does he come from

Safia: he (come) from Japan, he is very clever boy. He (speak) four languages.

Safia: he comes from Japan, he is very clever boy. He speaks four languages.

Aicha: he (speak) now.

Aicha: he is speaking now.

Safia: well, his girlfriend (come) from Japan, I (suppose) that she (speak) Japanese.

Safia: well, his girlfriend comes from Japan, I suppose that she is speaking Japanese.

اي حركة تعتبر تشويش !!!
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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

cours 1er anné englais LMD

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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